Yo! Okay so last night, I dreamed about myself writing a post here so I thought maybe my unconscious mind is telling me that I need to update my blog about my life happenings. Actually, I'm online everyday but too lazy to write a blog post and I'm more active now in twitter (please do follow me @wimpyhann).
Lemme start this by letting you all know my relationship status. I'm single again and it's for real, no more turning back, we are never ever ever getting back together! Well maybe, we are never meant for each other after all, I just have to accept it. I guess I got really tired of wasting my time, effort and tears for him, I tried my best to understand him but well, I accepted the fact that you can't change someone if that person is not willing to change. Enough is enough, even though I loved him at that time, I can't deal with his bullshit anymore. Bahala na siya sa buhay niya. Now, I can finally say that I'm really really moving on and I'm just thankful that even though it didn't last, I'm happy to say that I learned a lot and that made me a stronger person than before.
Guys do come and go but that's okay, it's awesome being single! Thumbs up for all those single out there! :)
Hihi. Enough of the drama! Instead of stressing myself, I'm keeping myself busy by focusing more on improving myself, reading books (I'm currently reading Fifty Shades of Grey!) and making my very own flavored milk teas (Always a fail, though..)
Btw, who still remember this cute little puppy Asha? It's so sad to say that she is dead. As of now, I don't know exactly why she died but I think she got sick. So sad, she is one of the cutest puppy I've ever seen. :( RIP little Asha. Just keep playing in heaven and may you rest in peace with God.
'till here babies.