
Happenings 101.

by - November 16, 2012

Last week and this week feels like there are a lot of things that had happened but uhm I don't know.. ahe. And there are a lot of things that I want to share to you guys but I actually don't know where to start but I guess I should start it by posting some pictures. :) (Excuse for low quality pictures)

She's Jennica (left), my friend since high school. Do you guys remember my post about my problem with my boyfriend? Well, that day, I feel so stressed and depressed and I just can't stop crying and I thought that I should hang out to forget my problems for a while. I'm lucky that when I texted her, she's off from work and willing to hang out with me. I felt like I have to tell my problem to someone who's willing to listen and to understand me and I was right when I chose to tell it to her because she gave me courage and support, I feel relieved and loved. Oh I love her even if sometimes she's totally annoying! :) 

At the end of the day, I thought it's over between me and Kiko but then he called me and said sorry and that he will not do the same mistakes again. I gave him another chance though I told him that if he do that again, I will leave him without anything and I will not accept any of his explanations. I still feel the same way for him though, I still love him very much, I don't know why. :(  I guess that's just love.

Last Friday (November 9) @ Gerry's Grill at Harbor Point Ayala

Yeah, at that very short time, we're okay again like nothing happened. Lol, I know our relationship is very complicated but I'm just always hoping that things will get better and better though it's really hard to control ourselves not to fight every single day because as usual, we can't last a day without fighting over something that doesn't really matter but eventually we will be okay again in an hour or two. We're just crazy! 

Btw, I'll be out for a while because tomorrow, we're going to have a vacation in HongKong and for my birthday celebration too, it's on Nov. 19, I'll be a year older again! :3 

That's all. Be safe and Good day! :)
Bye Bye :)

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  1. I am so glad you and your boyfie are okay now. c: Have a safe trip, dear! Happy Birthday. c: xoxo

  2. That's a true friend. :)
    having some problems with our boyfriends are such trials, I think we're old enough to know when to forgive or to give up..
    But i'm happy that you both are okay now ^_^

  3. Cute. i love your smile :D stay safe ^^V


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