
One Hella Busy Week

by - December 16, 2012

Hey guys! Yeah! I'm still alive! haha. It's been a long week since I posted an entry so here I am making a new one. Anyways, I'll start by sharing my new experience because I just started my OJT at Senate last Monday. I've been doing files sorting (a lot), receiving and transferring files, answering phone calls, photocopying, etc. That's all I'm doing but it seems like it's so tiring or is it just me? I also met other trainees there in different schools.
Vanity Pictures @ the office with Myk and Tracy --

My schedule is Mon-Thurs 8-5 pm so every Friday, I'll be able to go back to Olongapo.
Yesterday, I'd be able to see boyfriend again after a week, I missed him soooooo bad! And I had to admit that we nearly broke up this week AGAIN because of misunderstandings over little things and I don't know why it seems like we're not okay when we're far from each other but I think it's just that we miss each other and we're both busy. So yesterday we met again and talked about things that bother both of us and we had no choice but to accept our current situation. Anyway, we're okay now. 
Pictures yesterday at their home. 
That's all, I think? It seems like I want to say something more but I can't think of anything right now. LOL. Thank you for reading.

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  1. Ah, that's pretty cool ^_^ My friend in Engineering is also doing OJT as well. Good luck and have fun!

  2. Wow. Good luck with your OJT. I hope you'll have fun!! :) You all look pretty in your pictures!! :)

  3. You guys are so pretty! c: Enjoy your training. c:


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