
Had fun being an intern.

by - January 27, 2013

This is it. I finally finished my OJT at Senate. I just have to follow up my time card to get my certificate. Unexpectedly, I actually enjoyed it. I thought at first that I'll only be doing papers that'll make my head hurt and tired but that was wrong, yes, I've been very busy all these weeks doing many paper works and getting at home makes me wanna jump off the bed immediately because of tiredness, but that was all worth it. I've learned a lot, I got exposed to the real work, to the real world of business, I've met these people with different characters, I've found new friends from everywhere.
Pictures.. (sorry for these low quality pictures, I only used my mobile phone)

Great paintings @ the lounge of Senate (these two are my favorites)
This is a creepy one but I really love it. I love the idea of the painter, it looks really mysterious, like there is something that the painter is hiding there. 
And this one, which is entitled "Looking Up" by Art Pascua
(The artists last paint while in detention) Knife Painting
"Everytime we receive a blessing, look up and give Him thanks."
-- This one has a really special place in my heart. I love the meaning that comes into it. And the fact that this tree quite resembles my favorite tree, cherry blossom(sakura) which has pink and purplish leaves, I love it.
Pictures with few senators

With the ever approachable and down to earth Senator Gregorio "Gringo" Honasan.

with Senator Pia Cayetano

Senator Ferdinand "Bong-Bong" Marcos

I really look haggard in this picture but that's okay since it is Senator Bong Revilla. :D

GMA 7 reporter Ivan Mayrina

Oh I feel really lucky for being an intern at the Senate of the Philippines. xD

Until here people. See you in my next post. 

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  1. Nice painting!! I think there's message with the first painting. I'm glad you enjoyed your training. Not all students enjoy that. lol

  2. waaaah! so swerty haha! what's your course btw? nakakatuwa naman!! anyway, kinilabutan ako sa first painting....


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