
Just a not-so-very late update

by - November 09, 2014

It's been a long long journey since then.. 

I've never imagined myself being this motivated about my career, my future. First, I didn't thought about taking the board exam. I didn't even thought about seriously reviewing for the board exams for psychometrician. It's not my priority. But it's true that "There are good things we pursue and there are the ones that just float our way.". Yes, I'm that kind of a person that's just going with what's life bring me but this time I've finally made up my mind that I want to pursue something. I didn't pursue anything but being fortunately enough, I happen to be one of the 39.29% of those who passed the 2014 Psychometrician Licensure Exam. I'm feeling very overwhelmed, proud and ludicrously happy about everything right now, it just seemed perfect or perhaps not coz I know that there still a lot of obstacles for me to face but this time around, I sure will never give up on anything..


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  1. Everything is going to be fine! Have faith. :) Hope you can visit my blog. Let me know what you think about it and if you wanna follow each other.

    MY BLOG: Sammie The Stargirl


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