
Pixel paint & Pure Barley

by - October 13, 2012

My dad got home yesterday after 1 week from work and brought home these stuffs:

PIXEL PAINT. It's my mom and dad's wedding picture, pixel paint edition. :) The original picture is quite broken and distorted for some reasons so they decided to turn it like that. I think that pixel paint is pretty awesome but for me, it must have been better if they got it in charcoal paint but it's okay. Btw, this is the original picture..

Looks quite old and look at my mom's face, it's distorted. lol. So what do you guys think about this painting?

<!-----Pure Barley from New Zealand.-----!>
This pure barley is said to be good for the health, helps digestion, prevent cancer and also can improve the hair, skin and nails. Should take this 2-3 times a day. It tastes like tea though it is naturally sweetened. Definitely gonna try this and see results. :)

Thats all guys for now. See yah!  

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