30 Interesting Dream Facts

by - September 17, 2012

  1. Every human dreams. There are tons of people who can’t remember their dreams when they wake up, but they still get them
  2. Human beings spend roughly around 6 years of their lifetime dreaming
  3. Sometimes we dream outside of our REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement)
  4. Thousands of years ago, the Egyptians were the first to create adream dictionaryin 4000 B.C.E
  5. We roughly spend around 1/3 of our lives sleeping
  6. People who suffer from apersonalitydisorderlack dream activity
  7. Our brains tend to be way more active when we sleep, than when we’re awake
  8. Humans tend to have around 3 to 7 dreams a night. We dream around 2 to 3 hours in a whole night
  9. 90% of the dream is lost the first minute we wake up
  10. Men tend to dream about men more than women, and women dream about people of both genders
  11. Drug withdrawal can cause more intense dreams. People who also quit alcohol and smoking experience heavier dreams and nightmares
  12. You can lucid dream for up to 30 minutes if trained properly
  13. It’s impossible to dream when you’resnoring
  14. Babies don’t dream of themselves until they reach the age of 3
  15. More women than men experience deja-vu in their dreams (eg. you have been in the dream before)
  16. People who experience Sleep Paralysis hear voices and see strangers in their rooms
  17. Nightmares happen more to kids than adults
  18. Blind people dream. Their dreams are auditory if they were born blind. If they became blind at an early age, they still dream of what they remember
  19. Did you know around 100 000driversa year crash going in and out of sleep in their cars
  20. Thousands of people suffer from sleep apnea in America
  21. Men get erections in their REM sleep and women have an increased blood flow to their vaginas
  22. You can translate over 5000dream symbols
  23. The word “Nightmare” was used a long time ago for a female spirit who besets people at night while sleeping
  24. On average, dogs sleep around 10 to 13 hours a day
  25. The colder your house is, the worseyour dreamsare. They say that if your room is at an averagetemperature, you have better sleeps
  26. Your body burns more calories sleeping than it does in the day time
  27. Information that we learn before we go to bed tends to stick with us longer than information any other time
  28. On average, cats sleep 10 to 15 hours a day
  29. If you avoid your sleep for more than 10 days, you will die
  30. giraffe sleeps for only 2 hours a day
Source: Dreamdictionary

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